"Come listen to a prophets voice, and hear the word of God." These powerful words from a hymn invoke deep feelings of gratitude and amazement. Twice a year, the leaders of our church address the world in our General Conference. This weekend marks the 179th semi-annual General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
I firmly believe that God has blessed us with a living prophet in the same sense that Moses, or Isaiah was a prophet. We have Apostles and even Seventies again on the earth. The priesthood, or power and authority to act in God's name, is back on the earth.
Think of that for a moment! If what we believe is true, would you not be curious of their message?
I am so grateful that the heavens are again opened. True, God has always aswered the heart-felt prayers of His children; but, the mantel of priesthood authority to govern the organization of Christ's church has not been found on the earth since the first or second centuries.
What do these prophets and apostles say to us today? The current prophet, Thomas S. Monson, just spoke on the path that brings unconditional peace in this world and everlasting happiness in the world to come. His recipe is rather simple: study the scriptures (the word of God) daily and to pray to God fervently. I know that this guidance yields fruit.
To view or read more of God's word please visit: http://lds.org/broadcast/gc/0,5161,8584,00.html
To view or read more of God's word please visit: http://lds.org/broadcast/gc/0,5161,8584,00.html