Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Top of Utah Marathon

My little brother and sister came to cheer me on in this goal of mine! Isn't family amazing! We had such a great time together before and after the race. I think they might have had a better time during though. haha

So a year ago I would have laughed if you told me I was going to run a marathon; but by the grace of God I was able to train and complete one! What better time in my life to do it? "Why not?" I reasoned.

Funny story though: I forgot my iPod down at the finish line when I entered the bus to take me to the start line. I know, you thinking "big boohoo" but I had trained with music and had my routine all planned out. Well, that plan didn't work. haha Also, when we were about to start the race up some canyon near Logan, UT, it started raining cows and sheep (please appreciate the largeness of the animals). I mean torrential downpour! That woke everyone up pretty quickly! Throughout the race it rained sporadically. The best part though is the fact that at about mile 16 it hailed! haha Can you believe it? I just looked up and said, "Really?" but then I said, "Hey, I'm still smiling! Take that life!"

It was such a social event. I made several friends while running actually. ;) Chatting with people while running is a custom apparently in these races. I enjoyed that aspect of the race. I even had an elderly man egg me on on the last several miles of the race while heading up a hill. I was so mad at that guy during the race but very grateful afterwards. haha

I did finish in one piece and just missed my goal by about 14 minutes. I may just have to do another one with better conditions to try to reach it.

OK, so if I can do it, anyone can. I would never consider myself a runner. So if you ever want to prove yourself you can do one just give me a call. I'll convince you otherwise.