So it's been a while since I last posted. OK, a long while. But I thought I would start it up again by illustrating some of my observations while flying this past summer:
- It's "lavatory" not "laboratory". Yeah, I just found out too.
- Why do the EXIT lights obnoxiously glow while you're in the air?
- How come the flight attendants get to walk around right now? I know if there is turbulence I can balance better then that woman in the skirt.
- I swear I heard the dog from UP when being warned to "watch my step" on the giant treadmill thingy.
- Conversations with those Bluetooth headsets are very entertaining. People think they are magically thrown into the Room of Requirement when they pop those things in their ears. Unbridled laughter and even hand movements like they're giving a speech are all part of the beautiful scene. How are we ever going to know who is crazy now?
- What's a male stewardess called? "Stewart"? "Stewartor"? "Stewarton"?
- Turn to your left and stare at your neighbor. See what happens. You're breaking about 10 social norms.
- Someone brought a goose on a plane for "moral support". What would you do if a goose head popped out under the seat in front of you and began to quack proudly at your feet?
- You know how sometimes you forget the day you fly out and you come a day later so you need to buy a new ticket because the old one was nonrefundable. Ya ... uh ... neither do I. That would be pretty dumb, wouldn't it. uhh... haha....
- How many times have you looked through the SkyMall Magazine and been tempted to purchase the Harry Potter wand or Anduril, the sward of Aragorn?